1. User’s Acknowledgment and Acceptance of Terms of Use

Welcome to TwinCity Studio, including our mobile apps and all related services (collectively referred to as the “Service”). The Service is developed and operated by TwinCity Studio Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”, “We” or “Us”). These Terms of Use (“Terms”) govern your access to and use of the Service. By accessing or using TwinCity Studio, you agree to comply with these Terms. If you do not agree to these Terms, please do not use our Service.

2. Ownership and Service Scope

TwinCity Studio is owned and provided by the Company. Certain features of our Service may be subject to additional guidelines, terms, or rules, which will be posted in connection with such features. All additional terms, guidelines, and rules are incorporated into these Terms by reference.

3. Third-Party Platforms

If you access the Service through external platforms such as the Apple App Store or Google Play™, you must also adhere to the applicable rules and policies of those platforms.

4. Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding these Terms, please contact us at iamtwincityofficial@gmail.com.

5. Acceptance and Agreement


6. Compliance with Terms

Your use of the Service is subject to your compliance with these Terms, as well as any other agreements between you and the Company. These Terms, along with our Privacy Policy and any other relevant documents, constitute a legal agreement between you and the Company.

7. Prohibited Uses

You may not use the Service for any commercial purposes or in a manner that is unlawful or harmful to the Company or any other individual or entity.

8. Public Offer

These Terms constitute a public offer and provide a subscription license agreement granting you access to and use of the Service.

9. Dispute Resolution

Any disputes based on claims of unawareness of these Terms after acceptance will not be considered or reviewed.

By continuing to use the Service, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms.

2. Service Use

2.1. Purpose
Our Service is designed to provide peace of mind for parents regarding their children’s safety and well-being.

2.2. Compliance
Users may utilize the Service in accordance with these Terms, as well as all applicable local and international laws, rules, and regulations.

2.3. Age Restrictions and Responsibilities
If you are under the legal age of majority in your jurisdiction, you must have a parent or legal guardian review and accept these Terms on your behalf. By accessing the Service, downloading the application, or continuing to use the Service, you acknowledge and agree that:

  • (1) You are at least 18 years of age or of any higher legal age required to form a contract in your jurisdiction;
  • (2) You have the right, authority, and legal capacity to enter into this agreement;
  • (3) You have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms for yourself and any minor child authorized by you.

2.4. Definitions

  • Parent: An individual who is 18 years of age or older, or of any higher minimum age of majority.
  • Child: An individual who is under 18 years of age, or under any higher minimum age of majority.

3. User Information and Privacy Policy

3.1. Information Collection and Use

The Company’s practices regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of information from you or any child authorized by you are outlined in our Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into these Terms by reference and forms an integral part of your agreement with us. You can review the Privacy Policy [https://zeapps.online/privacy-policy-for-locately-location-tracker/].

4. Service Features

4.1. Applications

The Service includes two interrelated applications:

– locately: Installed on the parent’s mobile device.

– locately: Installed on the child’s mobile device.

To activate the locately app and access its features, you must enter an access code sent to the parent’s device running locately.

4.2. Features of locately

locately offers the following features to parents:

– Location Tracking: Determines the child’s device location using GPS, WiFi, and mobile internet, updated every 15 minutes. Parents can view the child’s location if the child’s device is added to their profile. Parents may add an unlimited number of children to their profile.

– Sound Transmission: Allows parents to hear sounds near the child’s device.

– Device Settings Monitoring: Identifies settings that may interfere with the app’s performance and provides guidance to fix them.

– Tracking History: Displays a history of the child’s locations.

– Geofencing Notifications: Sends notifications to the parent’s device if the child leaves a designated area.

– Battery Level Display: Shows the battery charge level of the child’s device.

– Usage Statistics: Provides statistics on app usage on the child’s device, including app names and usage percentages over a specified period.

– Additional Features: Other functionalities based on the acquired license.

4.3. Accuracy and Limitations

Parents should be aware that the accuracy of the child’s location depends on various factors, including mobile network coverage and connection stability. For example, if the child is in an area with poor network coverage, the map may not display correctly, and the location may not match the actual location. The app tracks the location of the child’s device, so if the child’s device is lost, given to someone else, or turned off, the location shown will be that of the device, not the child.

4.4. Data Collection and Sharing

Certain features of the Service rely on collecting and sharing location and other information. These features require the relevant software and settings to be enabled for proper functionality. The Service may not work correctly if location data collection is disabled, the device is turned off, or there are connectivity issues.

5. User Account

5.1. Ownership and Transfer You acknowledge and agree that if the Company provides the ability to create a user account, you will have no ownership or property interest in any account or user profile. All rights to any account or user profile are and will always be owned by and inure to the benefit of the Company. The Company does not recognize the transfer of any account or user profile. Therefore, you may not give, sell, barter, assign, or otherwise transfer your rights, responsibilities, or obligations under these Terms without the prior written consent of the Company. Any attempt to transfer or assign your account or profile shall be void and of no effect.

5.2. Account Management and Security Accounts you establish with the Service provide access to various services and functionalities as determined by the Company. When creating your account, you must provide accurate and complete information. You are solely responsible for the activity that occurs under your account and must ensure that your account password is kept secure. We recommend using strong passwords that include a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols. You must notify us immediately of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your account. The Company will not be liable for any losses resulting from unauthorized use of your account.

5.3. Profile Management You may manage your personal profile and adjust how you interact with the Service by changing the available account settings.

6. Grant of the Right to Use the Service

6.1. Purpose The Service is intended for your personal, non-commercial use only.

6.2. License Grant The Company grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, and revocable license to:

  • (1) Access and use the Service as provided;
  • (2) View and interact with the content available within the Service;
  • (3) Download and install one copy of the software and mobile applications on a single user device, as permitted by the Company.

This license is granted for personal use and does not include any rights to redistribute, modify, or create derivative works from the Service or its content.

7. Restricted Use

7.1. Prohibited Actions Any use of the Service that violates these Terms or any other applicable documents, or that contravenes relevant laws, is strictly prohibited. Such violations may result in the immediate revocation of your license and may expose you to legal liability.

7.2. Specific Restrictions You may not:

  • (i) Copy, publish, or disclose any part of the Service through any media, including but not limited to automated duplication;
  • (ii) Use automated systems, including but not limited to “robots,” to access the Service in a manner that sends multiple requests to the Company’s servers beyond what an individual could send using a standard web browser;
  • (iii) Send spam, chain letters, or any other unsuitable content;
  • (iv) Attempt to disrupt, discredit, or compromise the system’s integrity or security, or decipher data transmitted to or from the servers on which the Service operates;
  • (v) Engage in actions that the Company deems as causing or potentially causing excessive or undue strain on the infrastructure;
  • (vi) Upload invalid data, viruses, worms, or other harmful software through the Service;
  • (vii) Collect personal data, including profile names, from the Service;
  • (viii) Use the Service for purposes other than those intended or permitted;
  • (ix) Impersonate others, commit fraud, or attempt to conceal your identity;
  • (x) Affect the proper functioning of the Service;
  • (xi) Access content within the Service using any technology or methods not authorized or provided by the Service, or bypass any measures designed to restrict or limit access to the Service or its content.

7.3. Software Restrictions You may not:

  • (i) Modify, decompile, or reverse-engineer the software;
  • (ii) Sublicense, distribute, or otherwise provide access to the software to any third party;
  • (iii) Make copies of the software;
  • (iv) Remove, disable, or interfere with any features or functionalities of the software;
  • (v) Remove or alter copyright notices or other proprietary rights from the software.

7.3.1. Respect for Rights We respect the rights of others and expect you to do the same. You should not use the Service or allow others to do so in a manner that infringes on someone else’s rights, including privacy, personal data, trade secrets, or intellectual property. If you receive information related to third parties without their consent, such as through live listening, you must immediately delete it and refrain from further processing (e.g., storage, sharing, playing) except when necessary to prevent crime or aid in criminal investigations. The liability for any unauthorized use or processing of such information rests solely with you.

7.4. Termination of License In the event of a violation of these Terms, the Company reserves the right to terminate your license at any time, at its sole discretion.

8. Mobile Applications

8.1. Device Compatibility To use the Applications, you must have a compatible mobile device. The Company does not guarantee that the Applications will be compatible with all mobile devices.

8.2. Updates and Changes You acknowledge and agree that the Company has the right to update the Applications and make unilateral changes to their functionality. This includes, but is not limited to, adding or removing features (e.g., sound recording or live listening capabilities). Such changes do not constitute a breach of our obligations under the license agreement. You agree that you have no right to seek compensation or termination of the contract due to these changes, or any adjustments in the app’s price or other terms of the license agreement.

8.3. Acceptance of Updates By using the Service, you agree to accept updates to the Applications, and understand that these Terms will apply to all updates installed on your device. Any third-party software included in the mobile software is distributed under its respective public license or user agreement, unless specified otherwise by the terms of use of that software. The Company reserves all rights not expressly granted by these Terms.

9. Notifications Regarding the Service

9.1. Legal Notifications By providing your email address to the Company, you agree that the Company may use this email address to send you legal notifications related to the Service. This means that you will receive important information and updates regarding the Service via email rather than through traditional postal mail.

9.2. Promotional Communications You also agree to receive promotional and advertising messages from the Company. This includes updates about new features, offers, or other marketing materials related to the Service. You may opt out of receiving such promotional messages at any time by following the instructions provided in the messages or by contacting us directly.

10. User-Generated Content and Feedback

10.1. Ownership and License If the Company provides the ability for you to post, upload, store, share, send, or display photos, images, videos, data, text, music, comments, and other information and content (collectively, “User-Generated Content”), you confirm that you either own all intellectual property rights in such content or have sufficient rights to submit it without infringing on any third-party rights. The Company does not claim ownership of any User-Generated Content you submit or offer through the Service. However, by submitting any User-Generated Content, you grant the Company a royalty-free, worldwide, fully paid-up, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive license to:

  • Use, reproduce, distribute, remove, and analyze your content as needed for the operation of the Services;
  • Copy, modify, and reproduce your content for marketing, promotional, and other purposes related to the Company or the Services in any media;
  • Edit, modify, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, post, or otherwise make your content available to other users in connection with any feature of the Services;
  • Remove any or all of your content from the Services, whether intentionally or unintentionally, for any reason, without any liability to you or any other party;
  • Enable sharing or posting of User-Generated Content on third-party sites, including social networking sites.

10.2. No Endorsement or Responsibility The placement of User-Generated Content by users or third parties does not imply that the Company has reviewed, verified, or approved such content, nor does it constitute an endorsement. The Company is not responsible for any User-Generated Content, or for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of such content or related sites.

10.3. Feedback and Ideas If you submit comments, ideas, or feedback to us, you agree that we may use, disclose, reproduce, distribute, and exploit them without any restriction or compensation to you. We retain the right to use similar or related ideas or feedback that were previously known to us, developed by the Company, or obtained from other sources.

11. Intellectual Property Rights

11.1. Ownership of Company Content Except for User-Generated Content, all materials and information related to the Service, including but not limited to data generated, collected, or transferred through the Service, Applications, or software, such as images, text, designs, illustrations, logos, patents, trademarks, service marks, works of authorship, photos, audio files, videos, and music (collectively, “Company Content”), are the exclusive property of the Company and its licensors. All Company Content is protected by relevant copyright, patent, trademark, and other proprietary and intellectual property laws.

11.2. Restrictions on Use Except as explicitly provided in these Terms, nothing in this agreement grants you any rights to use Company Content. You agree not to sell, reproduce, distribute, publicly display, modify, or create derivative works from any Company Content or User-Generated Content. Unauthorized use of Company Content for any purposes not expressly permitted by these Terms is strictly prohibited.

12. Paid Services

12.1. Subscription Fees Fees for using the Service may be charged on a one-time basis or periodically (collectively, “Subscriptions”). The type of Subscription typically depends on its duration (e.g., monthly, annual, lifetime) or specific features, such as live listening minutes for Android devices. Payment for a Subscription signifies an agreement between you and the Company under these Terms, with the Company providing access to additional Service features (e.g., daily location tracking, historical routes, notifications for location changes, sound alerts, and more). The Subscription fee will be charged automatically at the end of each period. Subscriptions can be paid through the ZeApps, Google Play, the App Store, or directly within our mobile applications.

12.2. Purchases Through Mobile Platforms If you purchase Paid Services or make in-app purchases through mobile platforms like Apple App Store or Google Play, all payment-related issues will be governed by the terms of the respective platform’s services or agreements. The Company is not responsible for any disputes or issues related to these payments.

12.3. Automatically Renewing Subscriptions Your Subscription may renew automatically for additional terms (e.g., monthly or annually) unless canceled. Charges for renewal will be made before or at the beginning of each new term. You can cancel your Subscription at any time, and the cancellation will take effect at the end of the current term.

12.4. Subscription Cancellation You may cancel your Subscription at any time. Your cancellation will be effective at the end of the current Subscription Term. To cancel your Subscription, please send a request to iamtwincityofficial@gmail.com.

12.5. No Refunds The Company does not provide refunds for unused subscription time, or for any fees related to the Service if you choose to discontinue use or close your account. Your Subscription remains valid until the end of the prepaid period, even if canceled.

12.6. Free Trials From time to time, we may offer free trials for certain Subscriptions. Specific terms for free trials will be provided at the time of the offer. Upon completion of a free trial, billing for the Subscription will begin automatically unless you cancel before the trial ends. Instructions for cancellation are provided in the previous sections. We will notify you of applicable fees before charging you after the trial period.

12.7. Price Changes The Company reserves the right to adjust pricing for Paid Services at any time. Price changes will be effective following notice to you.

12.8. Additional Expenses All fees for Subscriptions are prepaid. The Company is not responsible for any additional expenses you may incur, such as commissions, taxes, or other charges associated with the payment.

12.9. Accurate Information All information provided related to purchases or transactions must be accurate, complete, and current.

13. Account Closure

13.1. To close your Account, please send a request to iamtwincityofficial@gmail.com or contact Technical Support via the chat feature in the “TwinCity Studio Location” app. When sending an email, include your name and the registered email address associated with your account. Your Account will be closed within 5 business days after we confirm receipt of your request.

14. Third-Party Links

14.1. The Service may include links to third-party websites, services, advertisers, special offers, or other events or actions that are not owned or controlled by the Company. The Company is not responsible for any third-party sites, information, materials, products, or services available on such websites. If you access a third-party website from the Service, you do so at your own risk, and this Agreement does not apply to your visit to such websites. The User releases the Company from any liability arising from the use of any third-party website, service, or its content. Furthermore, any transactions, promotions, or interactions with advertisers found on the Service, including payments, goods delivery, and other terms (e.g., warranties), are solely between you and the advertiser. The User agrees that the Company is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from interactions with third parties.

15. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

15.1. Except as otherwise required by applicable law, the Terms of Use and the resolution of any disputes shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware and the United States, without regard to conflicts of law principles or the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.

15.2. All disputes should first be addressed by sending a claim to the Company. If the dispute cannot be resolved within 60 calendar days from the date of receipt of the claim, the Company and/or the User reserve the right to pursue legal action in a court of competent jurisdiction based on the Company’s place of registration, except as otherwise required by applicable law.

16. Contact Details

16.1. For any questions regarding this Agreement, please contact us at iamtwincityofficial@gmail.com.

The latest version of the Terms of Service was modified on August 15, 2024.